
Concepts #

Inside the lxd-compose world you can create different environments (or infrastructures) that are described by different YAML file read by lxd-compose on the directories defined on the parameter env_dirs of the configuration file.

An environment contains one or more project. A project describe a target service or a subset of the services supplied from an infrastructure. For example, a project could contains all services in the External DMZ like balancer, proxy, etc.

A project contains one or more groups. A group describes the list of nodes that supply a service. For example, a group could contain all nodes supply Nginx reverse balancer. A group communicate with a single LXD instance or Cluster defined on connection attribute.

A groups contains one or more nodes. A node is an LXD container (or in the near future also VM because LXD now supports QEMU integration).

A node is based on an image (available from official Canonical service or any LXD Server supply images or yet from a Simplestreams server build with simplestreams-builder tool.

A node is created with a list of LXD profiles that are used to configure networking, CPU limit, memory limit, host path mounted inside the container, etc.

In the deploy workflow lxd-compose generates optionally files to inject in the container through jinja2 engine (it uses j2cli tool) or directly through Golang’s template engine based on the MottainaiCI code. These files are then pushed inside the container.

The steps to configure the container are called hooks and they are characterized by shell commands execute inside the container or in the host where is run lxd-compose and where the environment is initialized with all the variables of the project. These hooks could be executed in different phases of the deployment and based on the choice of the flags.

At the moment, the execution of hooks and the creation of the containers is sequential but in the next releases will be integrate a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) management of the hooks/tasks for parallel deploy or complex scenarios.