Namespaces allows you to publish and manage content that is subject to a release process.
Artefacts produced from Tasks and Pipelines can be organized into namespaces.
Namespaces are accessible from the web interface:[namespace name]
Only administrators are allowed (for now) to publish in top layer ones, standard users have access only to namespaces which prefixes with their username.
You can create a new namespace from the CLI with:
$> mottainai-cli namespace create new-namespace
On the task (or pipeline) definition you can publish the resulting artefact to the namespace by adding tag_namespace: new-namespace
You can create a new namespace cloning from an old one:
$> mottainai-cli namespace clone --from old-namespace new-namespace
You can delete a namespace from the CLI with:
$> mottainai-cli namespace delete some-namespace
You can remove files from a namespace from the CLI with:
$> mottainai-cli namespace remove some-namespace /path/to/file
e.g. if the foobar namespace have a file at the top level called 'hello.txt', you can remove it with:
$> mottainai-cli namespace remove foobar /hello.txt